Ketosis - The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet Burn

Ketosis - The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet Burn


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We want to give a clearer picture of what your body will be going through during the cyclical ketogenic diet. This article will focus on ketosis and its benefits.

Ketosis is a condition in which your body goes into autopilot burning fat. What do you mean! The fat that is stored in your body starts to be used as energy, which reduces the weight of fat, not water or muscle.

Many of the diets on offer are calorie restriction diets. They help you lose weight, but most of the weight is in the form of water and muscle. Here is the problem with a restrictive calorie diet program. Your metabolism becomes slower because your body starts to think that it is hungry and has to slow down the process of losing calories. Slow metabolism equates to slower weight loss and faster weight gain!

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What is cyclical ketogenic diet ?

The cyclical ketogenic diet limits carbohydrates. By limiting carbohydrates, but maintaining caloric intake, your body will only have one option in terms of fuel consumption. It's FAT; which is what ketosis is.

You basically turn on your fat burning machine. Ketones are manufactured in your body and fat loss becomes deep. How can this happen? The largest internal organ of your body is the key player. Your liver The liver is responsible for converting fat into ketones. These ketones are instrumental to keep your body in a state of ketosis and losing weight/fat. It's a natural process.

Ketones are created in the liver and are an effective source of energy for the body. Fatty acids that are broken down from body fat are created in the liver as these ketones. Ketones can only be present when the body lacks sugar and glucose. Carbohydrates contain both of these substances.

It will always be difficult to lose weight with a high carbohydrate diet. On the cyclical ketogenic diet, the amount of sugar and glucose is reduced to the point that they are no longer the main source of fuel to burn in the blood.

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We should take a moment to talk about some myths surrounding the cyclical ketogenic diet and whether it is healthy in the long run. Our bodies can function in the state of ketosis and be in good health. This state of ketosis is a natural phenomenon when the body does not use sugar or glucose. The human body has no problem functioning in this state naturally. In other words, it is prudent to burn the fat !!

How do you know if you burn fat?

A simple walk to the pharmacy can respond quickly. You can use ketone test strips to check your ketosis level. Just grab a urine sample on the test strips and check the color change. The magic color to look for is a pink to purple result. Check the color scale to see your ketone level and where you are in the fat burning zone.

The use of these strips will be your source of the level of released ketones. This is the gauge with which you will know if you properly maintain your carbohydrate intake at the level necessary to facilitate ketosis. Do not worry if you are not at the dark purple level. Different people have different levels. Just look at the scale and if you lose weight, you're pretty much ok! Here is a word of warning about dehydration. If you still see dark purple, make sure to drink enough water. Sometimes dark purple indicates dehydration.

Make sure to stay hydrated properly when you are on ketogenic diet .
The mechanism of fat burning associated with ketosis is at the heart of the cyclical ketogenic diet. Restricting carbohydrates and allowing your body to burn these fat reserves will help you reach your weight loss goals and the body contour you have set for yourself. Get your ketone strips and watch your fat burning begin.

Important: Please Note I can not stress enough the importance of three things while doing Keto

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